Public Note #47 - A hate crime in Foz do Iguaçu
14 Jul 2022, 15:34
The Arns Commission, deeply shocked by the recent murder of the municipal guard Marcelo de Arruda, in Foz do Iguaçu (PR), by federal criminal police officer Jorge José da Rocha Guaranho, goes public to express its solidarity with the bereaved families and, at the same time, to denounce the attempts of federal government authorities to treat the tragedy as an isolated event, as “something that happens to those who drink too much on the weekend.”
It is evident that this fact, far from being commonplace, is a consequence of the escalation of intolerance and political violence in the country, stimulated by the hate speech of the President of the Republic, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, as well as by his insistence on the general arming of the population.
It is also quite clear that this is not a trivial case since the victim, a militant from the Workers’ Party (PT), was attacked during a get-together among family and friends, and the killer was an overt and radical Bolsonarist. This crime must be understood as an act of political terrorism at the beginning of the electoral campaign when polls indicate the defeat of Bolsonaro and his followers.
The Arns Commission, aware and vigilant of the possible growth of this type of violence, as well as of the manifestations of discredit and demoralization of the electoral process, renews once again its unconditional commitment to the democratic rule of law and the safeguard of human rights, starting with the right to life. It is urgent that the competent authorities, among them the Public Prosecutor’s Office, react promptly in compliance with their constitutional obligations.
This is a hate crime that cannot go unpunished. Fear and insecurity cannot justify negligence and silence working in complicity. Finally, we must remember that Marcelo de Arruda leaves behind a newborn daughter. She and all the children and young people of our beloved country deserve a full life, with peace and justice.